
Software technical documentation blog for myself and the world.

Using PHP to query a database in Azure SQL Database

Learn how to use PHP to connect to a database in Azure SQL Database. You can then use T-SQL statements to query data. Published: 4:18 PM GMT · May 3, 2024 Read more

Migrating existing database on SQL Server to Azure SQL Database using a .bacpac file

This quickstart provides the steps to import an existing database on SQL Server into an Azure SQL Database using a .bacpac file. Published: 8:51 PM GMT · Apr 22, 2024 Read more

Setting up the dark theme in SQL Server Management Studio

Enable the SSMS Dark theme in SQL Server Management Studio by switching between the settings configurable from Tools | Options | Environment | General | Color theme. Published: 11:53 AM GMT · Mar 15, 2024 Read more

Facebook Login for Android

Implementation of Facebook Login using the Facebook SDK for Android. Published: 2:52 AM GMT · Jan 17, 2024 Read more

Upgrading PHP from 8.1 to 8.3 on Apache and Ubuntu

Upgrading PHP from 8.1 to 8.3 on Apache and Ubuntu with a few commands. Published: 2:10 AM GMT · Jan 16, 2024 Read more

Checking versions of PHP installed on Ubuntu server

This post provides a way to check if there are multiple versions of PHP installed on Ubuntu, and to display the directory corresponding to each version. Published: 1:50 AM GMT · Jan 16, 2024 Read more

Connecting to an Azure Database for MySQL server with Azure Client Shell

This quickstart shows how to connect to a server that runs an Azure Database for MySQL, using Azure Client Shell (an interactive, authenticated, browser-accessible terminal for managing Azure resources). Published: 6:49 AM GMT · Jan 12, 2024 Read more

Connecting to an Azure Database for PostgreSQL server with Azure Client Shell

This quickstart shows how to connect to a server that runs an Azure Database for PostgreSQL, using Azure Client Shell (an interactive, authenticated, browser-accessible terminal for managing Azure resources). Published: 6:15 AM GMT · Jan 11, 2024 Read more

Creating an online analytical processing (OLAP) cube on top of a data mart relational database

Development of an OLAP cube in a Multidimensional BI Semantic Model, implementing the cube's basic parts: measures and dimensions. Published: 6:14 AM GMT · Dec 31, 2023 Read more

Provisioning Azure relational database services to create Azure SQL, MySQL, and PostgreSQL database resources

Steps to provision from an Azure subscription, the following resources: Azure SQL, MySQL, and PostgreSQL databases. Published: 11:41 AM GMT · Dec 17, 2023 Read more

Using Fuzzy Grouping in SQL Server Integration Services for removing duplicates, fixing spelling errors, and converting abbreviations to full job titles

Practical example of the use of Fuzzy Grouping in SQL Server Integration Services to remove duplicates. This implementation also fixes spelling errors and performs a conversion of the job tables that were abbreviated into non-abbreviated job titles. Published: 5:59 AM GMT · Dec 12, 2023 Read more

Migrating WordPress website from InMotion Hosting to DigitalOcean

Step-by-step explanation of process followed to migrate WordPress website from InMotion Hosting to DigitalOcean, including DNS Records modifications for business email and website in new server. Published: 5:59 AM GMT · Dec 10, 2023 Read more

Changing domain name registrar from Turbify to Namecheap

Yahoo Small Business became Verizon's Small Business Essentials. Finally, it was rebranded as Turbify. I decided to change domain name registrar from Turbify to Namecheap. Published: 2:48 AM GMT · Nov 29, 2023 Read more

Changing business email service provider from InMotion Hosting to Namecheap

A Black Friday Sale was the trigger for me to change business email service provider from InMotion Hosting to Namecheap. Published: 5:00 PM GMT · Nov 25, 2023 Read more

Happy launch of!

Happy launch of the redesigned version of! Published: 3:19 AM GMT · Nov 25, 2023 Read more

Obtaining and installing HTTPS/TLS/SSL certificates using Certbot

Using certbot --apache to activate HTTPS. Certbot takes care of obtaining and installing HTTPS/TLS/SSL certificates automatically.Published: 2:20 AM GMT · Nov 21, 2023 Read more

Configuring subdomains and Apache Virtual Hosts for multiple websites on the same server

Hosting multiple websites on the same server using Apache Virtual Hosts. Configuring subdomains to host different websites stored on separate folders.Published: 1:08 PM GMT · Nov 17, 2023 Read more

Upgrading PHP from 8.0 to 8.2 on Apache and Ubuntu

Upgrading PHP from 8.0 to 8.2 on Apache and Ubuntu with five commands. Published: 9:58 PM GMT · Oct 30, 2023 Read more

DigitalOcean vs. InMotion Hosting. IaaS vs. PaaS. Web hosting pricing comparison

Pros and cons of hosting a website on DigitalOcean vs. InMotion Hosting. Compare advantages and disadvantages of IaaS vs. PaaS when hosting websites. Evaluate pricing structures. Published: 11:21 PM GMT · Oct 17, 2023 Read more

Using Google AdSense again

After a few years without ads on my website, I am running Google AdSense again. Published: 10:57 PM GMT · Sep 24, 2023 Read more full source code available on GitHub

Feel free to find, download and/or use the source code of, available on GitHub. Published: 8:04 PM GMT · Sep 21, 2023 Read more

My first blog entry

Instead of using social media, I decided to create a blog from scratch, not only in terms of content, but also in how I built it from a software development standpoint. I started with a "Hello, World!" program. Published: 6:09 PM GMT · Sep 21, 2023 Read more