I visited https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=53595 and downloaded Microsoft Data Migration Assistant v5.8.
I opened the downloaded file:
I clicked Next:
I accepted the terms in the License Agreement and clicked Next:
I clicked Install:
I checked the "Launch Microsoft Data Migration Assistant" box and clicked Finish:
I used the following options and clicked Create:
Property | Value |
Project type | Assessment |
Project name | SQL Server to Azure SQL Database |
Assessment type | Database Engine |
Source server type | SQL Server |
Targer server type | Azure SQL Database |
I kept all items selected in the report type screen and clicked Next:
I provided my credentials to connect to my source SQL Server database, specified the connection properties and clicked Connect:
I selected the server and specific database that I wanted to connect to and clicked Add:
I clicked Start Assessment:
I examined the SQL Server feature parity results. Then I clicked the Compatibility issues radio button:
I had no compatibility issues. I clicked Upload to Azure Migrate:
I selected Azure as my Azure Environment and clicked Connect:
I signed in to my Microsoft account:
The following error appeared when I connected to Azure:
Since I did not find any compatibility issues, I was ready to export my database as .bacpac file and import it using the Azure portal or SqlPackage.
From Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio I clicked Export Data-tier Application... for the database that I wanted to export:
From the Introduction screen, I clicked Next:
From the Export Settings screen, I kept the Save to local disk radio button selected. Then I clicked Browse...:
I provided a name for the file and clicked Save:
I clicked Next:
I clicked Finish:
The Operation Complete message appeared with a summary of results:
The BACPAC file was saved successfully in the location of my local disk that I specified:
I visited https://portal.azure.com/ and navigated to my storage account. Then I clicked Upload:
I clicked Browse for files:
I navigated to the location where I had my BACPAC file and clicked Open:
I clicked Create new to create a container for my BACPAC file:
I provided a name for my container anc clicked Ok:
I clicked Upload:
My BACPAC file was uploaded successfully:
From the home page of the Microsoft Azure Portal, I clicked Create a resource:
I searched for sql server (logical server) and pressed enter:
I clicked SQL server (logical server):
I clicked Create:
I provided the required basic information and clicked Review + create:
I reviewed the values I provided and clicked Create:
I was redirected to a page with the message Deployment is in progress:
My deployment was complete. I clicked Go to resource:
My SQL server resource was available. I clicked Import database:
I clicked Select backup:
I clicked my storage account:
I clicked my container:
I clicked the BACPAC file that I wanted to restore from. Then I clicked Select:
My BACPAC file was selected successfully. I clicked Configure database to change pricing tier and define the computing power and capacity of my database:
I selected Basic (For less demanding workloads) as my Service tier. Then I clicked Apply:
I provided a database name, and the Server admin login and Password for my logical server (created in previous steps). Then I clicked OK:
The message Deployment is in progress appeared:
My deployment failed. The error was: The resource write operation failed to complete successfully, because it reached terminal provisioning state 'Failed'. Click here for details. I clicked the error message for details:
This was the error summary: The resource write operation failed to complete successfully, because it reached terminal provisioning state 'Failed'. (Code: ResourceDeploymentFailure, Target: /subscriptions/2c0d7d7b-29ee-4def-a6f6-234adfa3ecf2/resourceGroups/cloud-shell-storage-southcentralus/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/jaimemontoya/databases/Finances/extensions/import-without-private-link)
I deleted the failed deployment. When navigating to the home page of the Microsoft Azure Portal, I saw the SQL database I created (the deployment that failed) as an existing resource. I clicked on it:
I clicked Query editor (preview):
I provided my credentials to log in (created in previous steps) and clicked OK:
My connection attempt was denied and the following error message appeared: Reason: An instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Connection was denied since Deny Public Network Access is set to Yes (https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-sql/database/connectivity-settings#deny-public-network-access). To connect to this server, use the Private Endpoint from inside your virtual network (https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/sql-database/sql-database-private-endpoint-overview#how-to-set-up-private-link-for-azure-sql-database).
I clicked Finances (jaimemontoya/Finances):
I clicked the Set server firewall link:
I clicked the Selected networks radio button. Then I clicked Add your client IPv4 address ( to allow access to the database from my current client IP address. After that, I checked the box Allow Azure services and resources to access this server to allow access to the database from Azure services. Finally, I clicked Save:
I tried again clicking Query editor (preview) as shown in steps above, and after providing my credentials for SQL server authentication, I was able to login successfully. Nonetheless, my database did not have any tables. That confirms that the deployment trying to import my database from a BACPAC failed:
I deleted the database:
I tried again the steps above to import my database from a BACPAC file, and this time the deployment was complete. I clicked Go to resource:
All of my tables were available and I was able to query the database successfully:
This is the overview of my database successfully created:
This is the BACPAC file that I created and used according to the explanations provided in this blog post: Finances.bacpac.
I right-clicked the FinancesBACKUP database, selected Tasks, and clicked Generate Scripts...:
The Generate Scripts Wizard appeared. I clicked Next:
From the Choose Options window, I left Script entire database and all database objects checked and clicked Next:
From the Set Scripting Options window, I selected Save as script file and clicked Advanced:
From the Advanced Scripting Options window, for Types of data to script I changed the value from Schema only to Schema and data. Then I clicked OK:
I clicked Next:
The Summary window appeared. I clicked Next:
The Save Scripts window appeared. I clicked Finish:
I found the script in the location I specified, saved as C:\Users\jmont\Documents\script.sql and having the content shown below:
USE [master] GO /****** Object: Database [FinancesBACKUP] Script Date: 4/24/2024 11:05:10 PM ******/ CREATE DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] CONTAINMENT = NONE ON PRIMARY ( NAME = N'Finances', FILENAME = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\Finances.mdf' , SIZE = 8192KB , MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED, FILEGROWTH = 65536KB ) LOG ON ( NAME = N'Finances_log', FILENAME = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\Finances_log.ldf' , SIZE = 8192KB , MAXSIZE = 2048GB , FILEGROWTH = 65536KB ) WITH CATALOG_COLLATION = DATABASE_DEFAULT GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL = 150 GO IF (1 = FULLTEXTSERVICEPROPERTY('IsFullTextInstalled')) begin EXEC [FinancesBACKUP].[dbo].[sp_fulltext_database] @action = 'enable' end GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET ANSI_NULL_DEFAULT OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET ANSI_PADDING OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET ARITHABORT OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET AUTO_CLOSE OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET AUTO_SHRINK OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS ON GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET CURSOR_DEFAULT GLOBAL GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET DISABLE_BROKER GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS_ASYNC OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET DATE_CORRELATION_OPTIMIZATION OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET TRUSTWORTHY OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET PARAMETERIZATION SIMPLE GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET HONOR_BROKER_PRIORITY OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET RECOVERY SIMPLE GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET MULTI_USER GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET PAGE_VERIFY CHECKSUM GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET DB_CHAINING OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET FILESTREAM( NON_TRANSACTED_ACCESS = OFF ) GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET TARGET_RECOVERY_TIME = 60 SECONDS GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET DELAYED_DURABILITY = DISABLED GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET ACCELERATED_DATABASE_RECOVERY = OFF GO EXEC sys.sp_db_vardecimal_storage_format N'FinancesBACKUP', N'ON' GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET QUERY_STORE = OFF GO USE [FinancesBACKUP] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[DimBank] Script Date: 4/24/2024 11:05:11 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimBank]( [BankID] [int] NOT NULL, [BankName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_DimCardBank] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [BankID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[DimBuyer] Script Date: 4/24/2024 11:05:11 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimBuyer]( [BuyerID] [int] NOT NULL, [BuyerName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_DimBuyer] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [BuyerID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[DimCard] Script Date: 4/24/2024 11:05:11 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimCard]( [CardID] [int] NOT NULL, [CardNumber] [varchar](19) NOT NULL, [CardTypeID] [int] NOT NULL, [BankID] [int] NOT NULL, [CardBrandID] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_DimCard] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [CardID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[DimCardBrand] Script Date: 4/24/2024 11:05:11 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimCardBrand]( [CardBrandID] [int] NOT NULL, [CardBrandName] [varchar](10) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_DimCardBrand] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [CardBrandID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[DimCardType] Script Date: 4/24/2024 11:05:11 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimCardType]( [CardTypeID] [int] NOT NULL, [CardTypeName] [varchar](7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_DimCardType] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [CardTypeID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[DimCategory] Script Date: 4/24/2024 11:05:11 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimCategory]( [CategoryID] [int] NOT NULL, [ParentCategoryID] [int] NOT NULL, [CategoryName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_DimCategory] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [CategoryID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[DimCity] Script Date: 4/24/2024 11:05:11 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimCity]( [CityID] [int] NOT NULL, [CityName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [ProvinceID] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_DimCity] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [CityID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[DimCountry] Script Date: 4/24/2024 11:05:11 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimCountry]( [CountryID] [int] NOT NULL, [CountryName] [varchar](255) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_DimCountry] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [CountryID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[DimDay] Script Date: 4/24/2024 11:05:11 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimDay]( [DayID] [varchar](8) NOT NULL, [FullDateAlternateKey] [date] NOT NULL, [CalendarQuarter] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [CalendarYear] [smallint] NOT NULL, [CalendarSemester] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [DayOfWeek] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [CalendarMonth] [smallint] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_DimDay] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [DayID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[DimParentCategory] Script Date: 4/24/2024 11:05:11 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimParentCategory]( [ParentCategoryID] [int] NOT NULL, [ParentCategoryName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_DimParentCategory] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ParentCategoryID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[DimPaymentMethod] Script Date: 4/24/2024 11:05:11 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimPaymentMethod]( [PaymentMethodID] [int] NOT NULL, [PaymentMethodName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [CardID] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_DimPaymentMethod] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [PaymentMethodID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[DimProvince] Script Date: 4/24/2024 11:05:11 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimProvince]( [ProvinceID] [int] NOT NULL, [ProvinceName] [varchar](25) NOT NULL, [CountryID] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_DimProvince] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ProvinceID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[DimSeller] Script Date: 4/24/2024 11:05:11 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimSeller]( [SellerID] [int] NOT NULL, [SellerName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_DimSeller] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [SellerID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[FactPurchases] Script Date: 4/24/2024 11:05:11 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FactPurchases]( [TotalPurchases] [money] NOT NULL, [Description] [varchar](1000) NOT NULL, [CityID] [int] NOT NULL, [DayID] [varchar](8) NOT NULL, [PaymentMethodID] [int] NOT NULL, [SellerID] [int] NOT NULL, [CategoryID] [int] NOT NULL, [CategoryDeduplicate] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_FactPurchases] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [CityID] ASC, [DayID] ASC, [PaymentMethodID] ASC, [SellerID] ASC, [CategoryID] ASC, [CategoryDeduplicate] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] Script Date: 4/24/2024 11:05:11 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory]( [CityID] [int] NOT NULL, [DayID] [varchar](8) NOT NULL, [PaymentMethodID] [int] NOT NULL, [SellerID] [int] NOT NULL, [CategoryID] [int] NOT NULL, [CategoryDeduplicate] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_FactPurchasesXDimCategory] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [CityID] ASC, [DayID] ASC, [PaymentMethodID] ASC, [SellerID] ASC, [CategoryID] ASC, [CategoryDeduplicate] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[FactSales] Script Date: 4/24/2024 11:05:11 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FactSales]( [TotalSales] [money] NOT NULL, [Description] [varchar](1000) NOT NULL, [CityID] [int] NOT NULL, [DayID] [varchar](8) NOT NULL, [PaymentMethodID] [int] NOT NULL, [BuyerID] [int] NOT NULL, [CategoryID] [int] NOT NULL, [CategoryDeduplicate] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_FactSales] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [CityID] ASC, [DayID] ASC, [PaymentMethodID] ASC, [BuyerID] ASC, [CategoryID] ASC, [CategoryDeduplicate] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[FactSalesXDimCategory] Script Date: 4/24/2024 11:05:11 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FactSalesXDimCategory]( [CityID] [int] NOT NULL, [DayID] [varchar](8) NOT NULL, [PaymentMethodID] [int] NOT NULL, [BuyerID] [int] NOT NULL, [CategoryID] [int] NOT NULL, [CategoryDeduplicate] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_FactSalesXDimCategory] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [CityID] ASC, [DayID] ASC, [PaymentMethodID] ASC, [BuyerID] ASC, [CategoryID] ASC, [CategoryDeduplicate] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO INSERT [dbo].[DimBank] ([BankID], [BankName]) VALUES (1, N'N/A') INSERT [dbo].[DimBank] ([BankID], [BankName]) VALUES (2, N'BAC Credomatic') GO INSERT [dbo].[DimBuyer] ([BuyerID], [BuyerName]) VALUES (1, N'TEAM International, Inc.') INSERT [dbo].[DimBuyer] ([BuyerID], [BuyerName]) VALUES (2, N'Miguel Polanco') INSERT [dbo].[DimBuyer] ([BuyerID], [BuyerName]) VALUES (3, N'Unclaimed money') GO INSERT [dbo].[DimCard] ([CardID], [CardNumber], [CardTypeID], [BankID], [CardBrandID]) VALUES (1, N'N/A', 1, 1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimCard] ([CardID], [CardNumber], [CardTypeID], [BankID], [CardBrandID]) VALUES (2, N'4085-18**-****-0998', 2, 2, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimCard] ([CardID], [CardNumber], [CardTypeID], [BankID], [CardBrandID]) VALUES (3, N'4919-49**-****-5863', 2, 2, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimCard] ([CardID], [CardNumber], [CardTypeID], [BankID], [CardBrandID]) VALUES (4, N'118961457', 3, 2, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[DimCardBrand] ([CardBrandID], [CardBrandName]) VALUES (1, N'N/A') INSERT [dbo].[DimCardBrand] ([CardBrandID], [CardBrandName]) VALUES (2, N'VISA') GO INSERT [dbo].[DimCardType] ([CardTypeID], [CardTypeName]) VALUES (1, N'N/A') INSERT [dbo].[DimCardType] ([CardTypeID], [CardTypeName]) VALUES (2, N'Credit') INSERT [dbo].[DimCardType] ([CardTypeID], [CardTypeName]) VALUES (3, N'Savings') GO INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (1, 1, N'Restaurant for church fellowship') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (2, 1, N'Cash donation for church') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (3, 2, N'Email') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (4, 2, N'Server') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (5, 3, N'Book') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (6, 4, N'Warehouse club membership') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (7, 5, N'Salary') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (8, 6, N'Health insurance') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (9, 7, N'Parking') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (10, 8, N'Restaurant with nuclear family') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (11, 8, N'Household medicine') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (12, 9, N'Gasoline') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (13, 10, N'Family debt') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (14, 2, N'Domain') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (15, 8, N'Household cash gift') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (16, 8, N'Household food') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (17, 9, N'Car part repair and maintenance') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (18, 11, N'Clothing') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (19, 12, N'Charger, battery, cable') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (20, 9, N'Car labor repair and maintenance') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (21, 8, N'Household personal hygiene') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (22, 1, N'Food/Drinks contribution for church fellowship') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (23, 8, N'Household cleaning products') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (24, 9, N'Car insurance') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (25, 8, N'Electricity') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (26, 13, N'House mortgage') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (27, 14, N'Tax penalty') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (28, 2, N'Top up phone balance') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (29, 8, N'Water bill') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (30, 9, N'Traffic ticket') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (31, 8, N'Restaurant with family') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (32, 8, N'Household gift') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (33, 15, N'Glasses') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (34, 16, N'Attractions entrance fee') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (35, 2, N'Screen and camera recording') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (36, 17, N'Gym') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (37, 8, N'Household medical expenses') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (38, 20, N'Kitchen accessories') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (39, 8, N'Family gift') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (40, 18, N'Bank charge') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (41, 19, N'Government taxes for receiving foreign transfer') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (42, 21, N'Friend gift') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (43, 1, N'Children''s Sunday School snacks') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (44, 3, N'Learning subscription') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (45, 1, N'Equipment for church') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (46, 12, N'Watch') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (47, 17, N'Physical exercise tracking service') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (48, 13, N'House materials repair and maintenance') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (49, 13, N'House labor labor repair and maintenance') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (50, 22, N'Movie theater') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (51, 16, N'Hotel') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (52, 23, N'Restaurant with friends') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (53, 22, N'Subscription video on-demand') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (54, 13, N'House security and maintenance') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (55, 24, N'Unclaimed money') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (56, 1, N'Email for church') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (57, 1, N'Domain for church') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (58, 20, N'Stationery and office supplies') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (59, 8, N'Food contribution for family meal') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (60, 25, N'Supermarket loyalty Program') INSERT [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID], [ParentCategoryID], [CategoryName]) VALUES (61, 26, N'Money lent to family') GO INSERT [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID], [CityName], [ProvinceID]) VALUES (1, N'Colonia Escalon', 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID], [CityName], [ProvinceID]) VALUES (2, N'La Mascota', 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID], [CityName], [ProvinceID]) VALUES (3, N'Online', 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID], [CityName], [ProvinceID]) VALUES (4, N'San Benito', 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID], [CityName], [ProvinceID]) VALUES (5, N'Antiguo Cuscatlan', 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID], [CityName], [ProvinceID]) VALUES (6, N'Santa Tecla', 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID], [CityName], [ProvinceID]) VALUES (7, N'Volcan de San Salvador', 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID], [CityName], [ProvinceID]) VALUES (8, N'Cordillera del Balsamo', 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID], [CityName], [ProvinceID]) VALUES (9, N'San Salvador', 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID], [CityName], [ProvinceID]) VALUES (10, N'Tamanique', 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID], [CityName], [ProvinceID]) VALUES (11, N'Playa El Cocal', 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID], [CityName], [ProvinceID]) VALUES (12, N'Parque Nacional Cerro Verde', 4) INSERT [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID], [CityName], [ProvinceID]) VALUES (13, N'La Cima', 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID], [CityName], [ProvinceID]) VALUES (14, N'Santa Ana', 4) INSERT [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID], [CityName], [ProvinceID]) VALUES (15, N'San Luis Talpa ', 5) INSERT [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID], [CityName], [ProvinceID]) VALUES (16, N'Concepcion de Ataco', 6) INSERT [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID], [CityName], [ProvinceID]) VALUES (17, N'Chalchuapa', 4) INSERT [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID], [CityName], [ProvinceID]) VALUES (18, N'Playa El Sunzal', 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID], [CityName], [ProvinceID]) VALUES (19, N'Los Naranjos', 7) INSERT [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID], [CityName], [ProvinceID]) VALUES (20, N'Playa El Zonte ', 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID], [CityName], [ProvinceID]) VALUES (21, N'Los Naranjos', 4) GO INSERT [dbo].[DimCountry] ([CountryID], [CountryName]) VALUES (1, N'El Salvador') INSERT [dbo].[DimCountry] ([CountryID], [CountryName]) VALUES (2, N'Online') GO INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20140331', CAST(N'2024-03-31' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 1, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231001', CAST(N'2023-10-01' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 1, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231002', CAST(N'2023-10-02' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 2, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231003', CAST(N'2023-10-03' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 3, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231004', CAST(N'2023-10-04' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 4, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231005', CAST(N'2023-10-05' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 5, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231006', CAST(N'2023-10-06' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 6, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231007', CAST(N'2023-10-07' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 7, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231008', CAST(N'2023-10-08' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 1, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231009', CAST(N'2023-10-09' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 2, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231010', CAST(N'2023-10-10' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 3, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231011', CAST(N'2023-10-11' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 4, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231012', CAST(N'2023-10-12' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 5, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231013', CAST(N'2023-10-13' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 6, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231014', CAST(N'2023-10-14' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 7, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231015', CAST(N'2023-10-15' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 1, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231016', CAST(N'2023-10-16' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 2, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231017', CAST(N'2023-10-17' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 3, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231018', CAST(N'2023-10-18' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 4, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231019', CAST(N'2023-10-19' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 5, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231020', CAST(N'2023-10-20' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 6, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231021', CAST(N'2023-10-21' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 7, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231022', CAST(N'2023-10-22' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 1, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231023', CAST(N'2023-10-23' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 2, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231024', CAST(N'2023-10-24' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 3, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231025', CAST(N'2023-10-25' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 4, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231026', CAST(N'2023-10-26' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 5, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231027', CAST(N'2023-10-27' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 6, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231028', CAST(N'2023-10-28' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 7, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231029', CAST(N'2023-10-29' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 1, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231030', CAST(N'2023-10-30' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 2, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231031', CAST(N'2023-10-31' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 3, 10) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231101', CAST(N'2023-11-01' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 4, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231102', CAST(N'2023-11-02' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 5, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231103', CAST(N'2023-11-03' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 6, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231104', CAST(N'2023-11-04' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 7, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231105', CAST(N'2023-11-05' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 1, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231106', CAST(N'2023-11-06' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 2, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231107', CAST(N'2023-11-07' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 3, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231108', CAST(N'2023-11-08' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 4, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231109', CAST(N'2023-11-09' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 5, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231110', CAST(N'2023-11-10' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 6, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231111', CAST(N'2023-11-11' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 7, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231112', CAST(N'2023-11-12' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 1, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231113', CAST(N'2023-11-13' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 2, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231114', CAST(N'2023-11-14' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 3, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231115', CAST(N'2023-11-15' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 4, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231116', CAST(N'2023-11-16' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 5, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231117', CAST(N'2023-11-17' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 6, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231118', CAST(N'2023-11-18' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 7, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231119', CAST(N'2023-11-19' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 1, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231120', CAST(N'2023-11-20' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 2, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231121', CAST(N'2023-11-21' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 3, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231122', CAST(N'2023-11-22' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 4, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231123', CAST(N'2023-11-23' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 5, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231124', CAST(N'2023-11-24' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 6, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231125', CAST(N'2023-11-25' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 7, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231126', CAST(N'2023-11-26' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 1, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231127', CAST(N'2023-11-27' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 2, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231128', CAST(N'2023-11-28' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 3, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231129', CAST(N'2023-11-29' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 4, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231130', CAST(N'2023-11-30' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 5, 11) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231201', CAST(N'2023-12-01' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 6, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231202', CAST(N'2023-12-02' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 7, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231203', CAST(N'2023-12-03' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 1, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231204', CAST(N'2023-12-04' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 2, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231205', CAST(N'2023-12-05' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 3, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231206', CAST(N'2023-12-06' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 4, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231207', CAST(N'2023-12-07' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 5, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231208', CAST(N'2023-12-08' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 6, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231209', CAST(N'2023-12-09' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 7, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231210', CAST(N'2023-12-10' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 1, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231211', CAST(N'2023-12-11' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 2, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231212', CAST(N'2023-12-12' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 3, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231213', CAST(N'2023-12-13' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 4, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231214', CAST(N'2023-12-14' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 5, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231215', CAST(N'2023-12-15' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 6, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231216', CAST(N'2023-12-16' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 7, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231217', CAST(N'2023-12-17' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 1, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231218', CAST(N'2023-12-18' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 2, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231219', CAST(N'2023-12-19' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 3, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231220', CAST(N'2023-12-20' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 4, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231221', CAST(N'2023-12-21' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 5, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231222', CAST(N'2023-12-22' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 6, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231223', CAST(N'2023-12-23' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 7, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231224', CAST(N'2023-12-24' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 1, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231225', CAST(N'2023-12-25' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 2, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231226', CAST(N'2023-12-26' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 3, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231227', CAST(N'2023-12-27' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 4, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231228', CAST(N'2023-12-28' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 5, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231229', CAST(N'2023-12-29' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 6, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231230', CAST(N'2023-12-30' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 7, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20231231', CAST(N'2023-12-31' AS Date), 4, 2023, 2, 1, 12) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240101', CAST(N'2024-01-01' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240102', CAST(N'2024-01-02' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 3, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240103', CAST(N'2024-01-03' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 4, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240104', CAST(N'2024-01-04' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 5, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240105', CAST(N'2024-01-05' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 6, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240106', CAST(N'2024-01-06' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 7, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240107', CAST(N'2024-01-07' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 1, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240108', CAST(N'2024-01-08' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240109', CAST(N'2024-01-09' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 3, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240110', CAST(N'2024-01-10' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 4, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240111', CAST(N'2024-01-11' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 5, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240112', CAST(N'2024-01-12' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 6, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240113', CAST(N'2024-01-13' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 7, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240114', CAST(N'2024-01-14' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240115', CAST(N'2024-01-15' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240116', CAST(N'2024-01-16' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 3, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240117', CAST(N'2024-01-17' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 4, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240118', CAST(N'2024-01-18' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 5, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240119', CAST(N'2024-01-19' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 6, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240120', CAST(N'2024-01-20' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 7, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240121', CAST(N'2024-01-21' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240122', CAST(N'2024-01-22' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240123', CAST(N'2024-01-23' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 3, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240124', CAST(N'2024-01-24' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 4, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240125', CAST(N'2024-01-25' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 5, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240126', CAST(N'2024-01-26' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 6, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240127', CAST(N'2024-01-27' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 7, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240128', CAST(N'2024-01-28' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240129', CAST(N'2024-01-29' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240130', CAST(N'2024-01-30' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 3, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240131', CAST(N'2024-01-31' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 4, 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240201', CAST(N'2024-02-01' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 5, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240202', CAST(N'2024-02-02' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 6, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240203', CAST(N'2024-02-03' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 7, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240204', CAST(N'2024-02-04' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 1, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240205', CAST(N'2024-02-05' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 2, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240206', CAST(N'2024-02-06' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 3, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240207', CAST(N'2024-02-07' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 4, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240208', CAST(N'2024-02-08' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 5, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240209', CAST(N'2024-02-09' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 6, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240210', CAST(N'2024-02-10' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 7, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240211', CAST(N'2024-02-11' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 1, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240212', CAST(N'2024-02-12' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 2, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240213', CAST(N'2024-02-13' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 3, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240214', CAST(N'2024-02-14' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 4, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240215', CAST(N'2024-02-15' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 5, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240216', CAST(N'2024-02-16' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 6, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240217', CAST(N'2024-02-17' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 7, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240218', CAST(N'2024-02-18' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 1, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240219', CAST(N'2024-02-19' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 2, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240220', CAST(N'2024-02-20' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 3, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240221', CAST(N'2024-02-21' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 4, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240222', CAST(N'2024-02-22' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 5, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240223', CAST(N'2024-02-23' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 6, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240224', CAST(N'2024-02-24' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 7, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240225', CAST(N'2024-02-25' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 1, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240226', CAST(N'2024-02-26' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 2, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240227', CAST(N'2024-02-27' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 3, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240228', CAST(N'2024-02-28' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 4, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240229', CAST(N'2024-02-29' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 5, 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240301', CAST(N'2024-03-01' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 6, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240302', CAST(N'2024-03-02' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 7, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240303', CAST(N'2024-03-03' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 1, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240304', CAST(N'2024-03-04' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 2, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240305', CAST(N'2024-03-05' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 3, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240306', CAST(N'2024-03-06' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 4, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240307', CAST(N'2024-03-07' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 5, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240308', CAST(N'2024-03-08' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 6, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240309', CAST(N'2024-03-09' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 7, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240310', CAST(N'2024-03-10' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 1, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240311', CAST(N'2024-03-11' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 2, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240312', CAST(N'2024-03-12' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 3, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240313', CAST(N'2024-03-13' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 4, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240314', CAST(N'2024-03-14' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 5, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240315', CAST(N'2024-03-15' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 6, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240316', CAST(N'2024-03-16' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 7, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240317', CAST(N'2024-03-17' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 1, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240318', CAST(N'2024-03-18' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 2, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240319', CAST(N'2024-03-19' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 3, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240320', CAST(N'2024-03-20' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 4, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240321', CAST(N'2024-03-21' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 5, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240322', CAST(N'2024-03-22' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 6, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240323', CAST(N'2024-03-23' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 7, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240324', CAST(N'2024-03-24' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 1, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240325', CAST(N'2024-03-25' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 2, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240326', CAST(N'2024-03-26' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 3, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240327', CAST(N'2024-03-27' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 4, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240328', CAST(N'2024-03-28' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 5, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240329', CAST(N'2024-03-29' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 6, 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID], [FullDateAlternateKey], [CalendarQuarter], [CalendarYear], [CalendarSemester], [DayOfWeek], [CalendarMonth]) VALUES (N'20240330', CAST(N'2024-03-30' AS Date), 1, 2024, 1, 7, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (1, N'Donation') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (2, N'Digital subscription') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (3, N'Education') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (4, N'Membership') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (5, N'Employee salary') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (6, N'Insurance') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (7, N'Parking') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (8, N'Household expenses') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (9, N'Transportation') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (10, N'Debt') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (11, N'Clothing') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (12, N'Electronic device and parts') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (13, N'Housing') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (14, N'Accounting') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (15, N'Accessories') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (16, N'Travel') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (17, N'Health') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (18, N'Bank charge') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (19, N'Government taxes') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (20, N'Home maintenance, equipment, accessories and furniture') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (21, N'Social gift') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (22, N'Entertainment') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (23, N'Social life') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (24, N'Unclaimed money') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (25, N'Loyalty program') INSERT [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID], [ParentCategoryName]) VALUES (26, N'Money lent') GO INSERT [dbo].[DimPaymentMethod] ([PaymentMethodID], [PaymentMethodName], [CardID]) VALUES (1, N'Cash', 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimPaymentMethod] ([PaymentMethodID], [PaymentMethodName], [CardID]) VALUES (2, N'4085-18**-****-0998', 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimPaymentMethod] ([PaymentMethodID], [PaymentMethodName], [CardID]) VALUES (3, N'4919-49**-****-5863', 3) INSERT [dbo].[DimPaymentMethod] ([PaymentMethodID], [PaymentMethodName], [CardID]) VALUES (4, N'118961457', 4) GO INSERT [dbo].[DimProvince] ([ProvinceID], [ProvinceName], [CountryID]) VALUES (1, N'San Salvador', 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimProvince] ([ProvinceID], [ProvinceName], [CountryID]) VALUES (2, N'Online', 2) INSERT [dbo].[DimProvince] ([ProvinceID], [ProvinceName], [CountryID]) VALUES (3, N'La Libertad', 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimProvince] ([ProvinceID], [ProvinceName], [CountryID]) VALUES (4, N'Santa Ana', 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimProvince] ([ProvinceID], [ProvinceName], [CountryID]) VALUES (5, N'La Paz', 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimProvince] ([ProvinceID], [ProvinceName], [CountryID]) VALUES (6, N'Ahuachapan', 1) INSERT [dbo].[DimProvince] ([ProvinceID], [ProvinceName], [CountryID]) VALUES (7, N'Sonsonate', 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (1, N'Restaurante Royal') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (2, N'Union Church of San Salvador') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (3, N'Google') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (4, N'DigitalOcean') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (5, N'Amazon') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (6, N'Pollo Campero') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (7, N'PriceSmart') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (8, N'Asesuisa') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (9, N'Multiplaza') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (10, N'San Martin') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (11, N'Farmacias Camila') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (12, N'McDonald''s') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (13, N'Restaurante y Jardin Ecologico Cafe del Volcan') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (14, N'Texaco') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (15, N'Grandmother') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (16, N'El Zocalo') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (17, N'Alfresco') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (18, N'Namecheap') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (19, N'Partner') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (20, N'LacaLaca') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (21, N'Street vendor') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (22, N'El Mirador de La Giralda') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (23, N'Go Green') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (24, N'Econoparts') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (25, N'Almacenes Siman') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (26, N'Techstop') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (27, N'DIPARVEL') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (28, N'Burger King') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (29, N'CAESS') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (30, N'BAC Credomatic') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (31, N'Hipermall Las Cascadas') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (32, N'Ministerio de Hacienda') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (33, N'Digicel') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (34, N'ANDA') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (35, N'Comedor y Pupuseria La Santaneca') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (36, N'Diego''s Restaurant') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (37, N'Small business in Antiguo Cuscatlan') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (38, N'Puma Energy') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (39, N'La Pampa') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (40, N'Presidente Plaza') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (41, N'Opticas La Realeza') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (42, N'Maurita Mariscos y Cocteles') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (43, N'Super Selectos') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (44, N'Chocolate Nibs') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (45, N'Los Volcanes Bistro Cafe') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (46, N'Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Gobierno de El Salvador') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (47, N'Instituto Salvadoreno de Turismo, Gobierno de El Salvador') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (48, N'Loom, Inc.') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (49, N'World Gym') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (50, N'Papa John''s') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (51, N'Centro Integral para Manejo del Dolor') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (52, N'Denny''s') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (53, N'A lo Peruano') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (54, N'La Popuza') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (55, N'Walmart') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (56, N'Rena Ware') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (57, N'Le Croissant') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (58, N'Andian Bistro & Cafe') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (59, N'Crepe Lovers') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (60, N'KOI Sushi') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (61, N'Mister Donut ') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (62, N'Pupusas y Tipicos La Cacerola') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (63, N'El Salvador International Airport ') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (64, N'Farmacias UNO') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (65, N'O''Reilly Media, Inc.') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (66, N'iShop Centroamerica') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (67, N'Strava') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (68, N'Kreef') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (69, N'Oscar Villafranco') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (70, N'Cinemark Holdings, Inc.') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (71, N'Airbnb, Inc.') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (72, N'Palermo Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (73, N'Bambu City Center') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (74, N'Plaza La Ceiba') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (75, N'Antiguo Cuscatlan Municipal Parking') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (76, N'Farmacias Economicas') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (77, N'Hilton Hotels & Resorts') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (78, N'Small business in Ataco') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (79, N'Max (streaming service)') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (80, N'Restaurante Graciela') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (81, N'Los Castanos condominium') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (82, N'Lubrimotors Repuestos') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (83, N'Steren') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (84, N'Cafe Sunzal') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (85, N'llaollao') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (86, N'Sucree') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (87, N'Coursera Inc.') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (88, N'Restaurante Caliche''s') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (89, N'Panaderia Polanco') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (90, N'Pupuseria Suiza') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (91, N'Taqueria Los Tapatios') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (92, N'El Pinche') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (93, N'National Palace (El Salvador)') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (94, N'Centro Comercial Galerias') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (95, N'Starbucks') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (96, N'Plaza Merliot') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (97, N'Delikat') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (98, N'Cinepolis') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (99, N'BibleGateway') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (100, N'Small business in Los Naranjos') GO INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (101, N'Sandy''s Gift Shop') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (102, N'Inna Jammin') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (103, N'Hachibi Store') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (104, N'Shaw''s') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (105, N'Dollarcity') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (106, N'Uber Technologies, Inc.') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (107, N'GQ Automotores ') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (108, N'Office Depot, Inc.') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (109, N'Gasolineras Uno') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (110, N'La Esquina de Kurt ') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (111, N'Chez Andre ') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (112, N'Courtyard by Marriott') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (113, N'Esencia Nativa ') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (114, N'Farmacias San Nicolas') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (115, N'Brasas y Lena Restaurante Mirador') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (116, N'Vivero Cafe El Arco') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (117, N'Volcano Restaurante ') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (118, N'Esta Carbon') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (119, N'Kaltepet') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (120, N'Daniela Polanco') INSERT [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID], [SellerName]) VALUES (121, N'Basilico Italian Bistro') GO INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (20.0000, N'Table with Theo, for Rebeca''s birthday with Union Church people.', 1, N'20231001', 1, 1, 1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (20.0000, N'Donation.', 1, N'20231001', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (20.0000, N'Donation.', 1, N'20231008', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (50.0000, N'Food.', 1, N'20231008', 1, 19, 15, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (723.0000, N'Mortgage for Los Castanos to BAC (Masferrer branch) for October 2023.', 1, N'20231014', 1, 30, 26, 13) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (14.7400, N'Lunch with Gabriela.', 1, N'20231014', 2, 23, 10, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (20.0000, N'Donation.', 1, N'20231015', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5.9900, N'Lunch for Gabriela. By Masferrer roundabout.', 1, N'20231015', 2, 28, 10, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (57.1400, N'Paying traffic ticket at BAC Masferrer.', 1, N'20231016', 1, 32, 30, 9) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (2.5000, N'2 chocobananos at Salvador del Mundo, with mom and grandmother.', 1, N'20231021', 1, 21, 31, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (20.0000, N'Donation.', 1, N'20231022', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (41.1500, N'Breakfast with mom and Grandmother at La Pampa Escalon.', 1, N'20231022', 2, 39, 31, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (41.3100, N'Lunch with Gabriela and Miguel at Maurita Mariscos y Cocteles, Palm Plaza by Masferrer roundabout.', 1, N'20231026', 2, 42, 31, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (28.3000, N'Food.', 1, N'20231027', 2, 43, 16, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (20.0000, N'Donation.', 1, N'20231029', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (16.3800, N'Food.', 1, N'20231029', 2, 43, 16, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (25.0000, N'Gym subscription for November 2023.', 1, N'20231030', 2, 49, 36, 17) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1.0000, N'Bananas outside of Super Selectos Masferrer.', 1, N'20231031', 1, 21, 16, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (36.1100, N'Food from Super Selectos Masferrer.', 1, N'20231031', 2, 43, 16, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (200.0000, N'Gabriela''s medical expenses for four sessions: Oct. 30, Oct. 31, Nov. 1, and $50 remaining for a future session.', 1, N'20231101', 1, 51, 37, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (4.9500, N'Garlic Knots for Gabriela from Papa John’s Luceiro.', 1, N'20231101', 2, 50, 10, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (37.4400, N'Gasoline from Texaco Masferrer.', 1, N'20231102', 2, 14, 12, 9) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (100.0000, N'Housing.', 1, N'20231103', 1, 19, 15, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (14.4700, N'Dinner with Gabriela and Union Church people after sports day.', 1, N'20231104', 2, 54, 1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (20.0000, N'Donation.', 1, N'20231105', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (50.0000, N'Housing.', 1, N'20231105', 1, 19, 15, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (100.0000, N'Gabriela''s medical expenses for two sessions, covering until Nov. 10. Total so far, 6 sessions for $300 (3 sessions last week, 3 current week).', 1, N'20231105', 1, 51, 37, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (7.7600, N'Food.', 1, N'20231105', 2, 43, 16, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (20.0000, N'Donation.', 1, N'20231112', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (20.0000, N'Donation.', 1, N'20231119', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (20.0000, N'Donation.', 1, N'20231126', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (20.0000, N'Donation.', 1, N'20231203', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (20.0000, N'Donation.', 1, N'20231210', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (20.0000, N'Donation.', 1, N'20231217', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (20.0000, N'Donation.', 1, N'20240107', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (20.0000, N'Donation.', 1, N'20240114', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (20.0000, N'Donation.', 1, N'20240121', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (20.0000, N'Donation.', 1, N'20240128', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (20.0000, N'Donation.', 1, N'20240204', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (20.0000, N'Donation.', 1, N'20240225', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (8.0000, N'Breakfast with Theo/Union Church Men''s Bible study.', 2, N'20231011', 1, 20, 1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (6.3000, N'Pumpkin loaf for Gabriela from San Martin at Las Azaleas.', 2, N'20231028', 2, 10, 10, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (20.0000, N'Union Church of San Salvador. Donation.', 2, N'20240303', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (20.0000, N'Donation.', 2, N'20240317', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (6.0000, N'Google Workspace Business Starter for September 2023.', 3, N'20231001', 2, 3, 3, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (6.7800, N' server for September 2023.', 3, N'20231001', 2, 4, 4, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (10.7900, N'"Academic Writing for Graduate Students: Essential Tasks and Skills", by John Swales, Christine Feak. Kindle Edition.', 3, N'20231003', 2, 5, 5, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (16.1900, N'"Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones", by James Clear. Kindle Edition.', 3, N'20231006', 2, 5, 5, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (53.2800, N'Medical insurance Policy No. 45316, payment No. 12.', 3, N'20231006', 2, 8, 8, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (25.0000, N'Bank commission for receiving wire transfer from international employer.', 3, N'20231006', 4, 30, 40, 18) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3.2500, N'Government of El Salvador''s commission for receiving wire transfer from international employer.', 3, N'20231006', 4, 32, 41, 19) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1500.0000, N'Debt to grandmother.', 3, N'20231007', 4, 15, 13, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (7.6600, N'Domain Registration jaimemontoya.org.', 3, N'20231010', 2, 18, 14, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (53.8100, N'ASESUISA. Car insurance.', 3, N'20231015', 2, 8, 24, 9) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (36.3600, N'Electricity.', 3, N'20231015', 2, 29, 25, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (10.0000, N'Top up Digicel phone balance.', 3, N'20231016', 2, 33, 28, 2) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (2.3900, N'Water bill.', 3, N'20231016', 2, 34, 29, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (18.3500, N'"12 Rules for Life", by Jordan B. Peterson. Kindle Edition.', 3, N'20231025', 2, 5, 5, 3) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (96.0000, N'Loom Business - Annual. $10.00 USD × 1 Creator × 12 months: $120.00 USD. Annual discount: -$24.00 USD. Billed at renewal: $96.00 USD.', 3, N'20231029', 3, 48, 35, 2) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (6.3800, N'Google Workspace Business Starter for October 2023.', 3, N'20231101', 2, 3, 3, 2) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (6.0000, N' server for October 2023.', 3, N'20231101', 2, 4, 4, 2) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (25.0000, N'Bank commission for receiving wire transfer from international employer.', 3, N'20231104', 4, 30, 40, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3.2500, N'Government of El Salvador''s commission for receiving wire transfer from international employer.', 3, N'20231104', 4, 32, 41, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5.0000, N'Breakfast with Michael and Theo.', 4, N'20231004', 1, 6, 1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (4.3500, N'Lunch with Andrew, Silvia and their kids, for Union Church fellowship. Zona Rosa.', 4, N'20231015', 2, 12, 1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (0.5000, N'Parking when buying Nike glasses.', 4, N'20231023', 1, 40, 9, 7) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (300.0000, N'Nike glasses at Opticas La Realeza, Presidente Plaza.', 4, N'20231023', 2, 41, 33, 15) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (0.5000, N'Parking when picking up Nike glasses.', 4, N'20231028', 1, 40, 9, 7) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (6.0000, N'Chocolate for Gabriela.', 4, N'20231028', 2, 44, 10, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (6.2500, N'Breakfast with people from Union Church Men''s Bible study at Denny''s Zona Rosa.', 4, N'20231101', 2, 52, 1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (90.4000, N'Platinum Membership yearly fee.', 5, N'20231005', 3, 7, 6, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (0.5000, N'Parking for dinner with Gabriela.', 5, N'20231006', 1, 9, 9, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (15.6200, N'Dinner at San Martin Multiplaza with Gabriela.', 5, N'20231006', 2, 10, 10, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (8.5300, N'Lunch with Gabriela and Union Church people at Centro Comercial Plaza Madero.', 5, N'20231008', 2, 16, 1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (19.2700, N'Lunch with Gabriela and Union Church people at Centro Comercial Plaza Madero.', 5, N'20231008', 2, 17, 1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (121.4100, N'Food.', 5, N'20231014', 2, 7, 16, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (14.7900, N'Scott Elegance toilet paper, 32 units.', 5, N'20231014', 2, 7, 21, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (14.7900, N'La Croix Sparkling Water.', 5, N'20231014', 2, 7, 22, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (19.9900, N'ARM & HAMMER Plus OxiClean Stain Fighters liquid laundry detergent.', 5, N'20231014', 2, 7, 23, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (29.9000, N'Nike BV6708 010 shirt, at La Gran Via.', 5, N'20231014', 2, 25, 18, 11) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (43.6700, N'Apple 20W USB-C Power Adapter. USB-C to Lightning charger cable. Multiplaza store.', 5, N'20231014', 2, 26, 19, 12) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (0.2500, N'Parking when paying traffic ticket at Hipermall Las Cascadas.', 5, N'20231016', 1, 31, 9, 7) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (6.0000, N'Dinner with mom and grandmother, Antiguo Cuscatlan.', 5, N'20231020', 2, 35, 31, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (9.0000, N'$1 for atol chuco/shuco; $2 for two corns; $6 for bread and typical drink.', 5, N'20231021', 1, 21, 31, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5.0000, N'Knitted Sunflower for Gabriela.', 5, N'20231021', 1, 37, 32, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (18.1300, N'Lunch with Gabriela and Union Church people for fellowship at LacaLaca Santa Elena.', 5, N'20231022', 2, 20, 1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (7.7500, N'Dinner with Gabriela, my meal from El Zocalo Plaza Madero.', 5, N'20231103', 2, 16, 10, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (20.3500, N'Dinner with Gabriela, her meal from Alfresco.', 5, N'20231103', 2, 17, 10, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (94.0800, N'Food from PriceSmart Santa Elena.', 5, N'20231103', 3, 7, 16, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (29.5800, N'La Croix Sparkling Water.', 5, N'20231103', 3, 7, 22, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (13.7900, N'DelaFaille chocolatier - Belgium. 2 gift boxes. For Geraldina and Blanqui.', 5, N'20231103', 3, 7, 39, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (41.4600, N'Food for Gabriela from Walmart Santa Elena.', 5, N'20231105', 2, 55, 32, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (59.2400, N'Food for Gabriela from PriceSmart Santa Elena.', 5, N'20231105', 3, 7, 32, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (67.5500, N'By Texaco British School. Zyprexa Zydis 5MG X 14 compressed. Medicine for Gabriela.', 6, N'20231007', 2, 11, 11, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1.6500, N'By Texaco British School. 2da Y 4rta Calle Oriente, Santa Tecla. 1 Sundae Chocolate for Gabriela.', 6, N'20231007', 2, 12, 10, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (42.3000, N'TEXACO SERVITEX. CAR PANAMERICANA KM11 ST TECLA. ROCELI CONSULTORES, S.A. DE C.V.', 6, N'20231007', 2, 14, 12, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (6.7700, N'Oil filter.', 6, N'20231014', 2, 24, 17, 9) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (12.7000, N'Engine oil change.', 6, N'20231014', 2, 27, 20, 9) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3.3000, N'Desert with Gabriela from McDonald''s by Academia Britanica Cuscatleca.', 6, N'20231015', 2, 12, 10, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (40.6900, N'TEXACO SERVITEX. CAR PANAMERICANA KM11 ST TECLA. ROCELI CONSULTORES, S.A. DE C.V. Gasoline.', 6, N'20231021', 2, 14, 12, 9) GO INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (37.4400, N'TEXACO SERVITEX. CAR PANAMERICANA KM11 ST TECLA. ROCELI CONSULTORES, S.A. DE C.V.', 6, N'20231104', 2, 14, 12, 9) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (19.5300, N'Canton El Progreso KM 20. Volcan de San Salvador. With Gabriela.', 7, N'20231007', 2, 13, 10, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (189.3500, N'Lunch with Geraldina, Blanqui, Carlos, Julieta, Benjamin, Gabriela and Carlos; for Geraldina and Blanqui''s birthday. A lo Peruano Calle al Volcan.', 7, N'20231104', 2, 53, 31, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5.0000, N'Fruits on the way to El Mirador de La Giralda.', 8, N'20231013', 1, 21, 16, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (37.2400, N'Dinner with Gabriela.', 8, N'20231013', 2, 22, 10, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (90.0000, N'Paying late filing tax penalty at Ministerio de Hacienda, Tres Torres building.', 9, N'20231016', 2, 32, 27, 14) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (82.0000, N'Aqua check nano 500 CTU lower for water filter system.', 9, N'20231106', 2, 56, 38, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (18.0000, N'Lunch with Gabriela, Miguel, mom and grandmother, plus Day Pass. Colonia el Palmarcito, CA-2 KM 50 #42, Tamanique CP 1522.', 10, N'20231021', 2, 36, 31, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5.0400, N'For mom and grandmother at a gas station when coming back from the beach: $1 for water; $1.99 for Cashita''s nuts; $2.05 for chips. Playa El Cocal, CA-2, Carretera Litoral, Block 5, La Libertad.', 11, N'20231021', 1, 38, 31, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (2.4900, N'Coffee for Gabriela.', 12, N'20231028', 1, 45, 10, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (6.0000, N'Entrance fee to Santa Ana Volcano (National Park area) with Gabriela, two tickets.', 12, N'20231028', 1, 46, 34, 16) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1.0000, N'Parking at Cerro Verde National Park.', 12, N'20231028', 1, 47, 9, 7) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchases] ([TotalPurchases], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (9.0000, N'$3 for entrance fee to Cerro Verde National Park with Gabriela, two tickets. $6 for guided tour to Santa Ana Volcano (National Park area) with Gabriela, two tickets.', 12, N'20231028', 1, 47, 34, 16) GO INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231001', 1, 1, 1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231001', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231008', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231008', 1, 19, 15, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231014', 1, 30, 26, 13) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231014', 2, 23, 10, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231015', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231015', 2, 28, 10, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231016', 1, 32, 30, 9) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231021', 1, 21, 31, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231022', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231022', 2, 39, 31, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231026', 2, 42, 31, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231027', 2, 43, 16, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231029', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231029', 2, 43, 16, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231030', 2, 49, 36, 17) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231031', 1, 21, 16, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231031', 2, 43, 16, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231101', 1, 51, 37, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231101', 2, 50, 10, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231102', 2, 14, 12, 9) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231103', 1, 19, 15, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231104', 2, 54, 1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231105', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231105', 1, 19, 15, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231105', 1, 51, 37, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231105', 2, 43, 16, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231112', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231119', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231126', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231203', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231210', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20231217', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20240107', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20240114', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20240121', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20240128', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20240204', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (1, N'20240225', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (2, N'20231011', 1, 20, 1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (2, N'20231028', 2, 10, 10, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (2, N'20240303', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (2, N'20240317', 1, 2, 2, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3, N'20231001', 2, 3, 3, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3, N'20231001', 2, 4, 4, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3, N'20231003', 2, 5, 5, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3, N'20231006', 2, 5, 5, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3, N'20231006', 2, 8, 8, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3, N'20231006', 4, 30, 40, 18) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3, N'20231006', 4, 32, 41, 19) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3, N'20231007', 4, 15, 13, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3, N'20231010', 2, 18, 14, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3, N'20231015', 2, 8, 24, 9) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3, N'20231015', 2, 29, 25, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3, N'20231016', 2, 33, 28, 2) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3, N'20231016', 2, 34, 29, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3, N'20231025', 2, 5, 5, 3) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3, N'20231029', 3, 48, 35, 2) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3, N'20231101', 2, 3, 3, 2) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3, N'20231101', 2, 4, 4, 2) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3, N'20231104', 4, 30, 40, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3, N'20231104', 4, 32, 41, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (4, N'20231004', 1, 6, 1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (4, N'20231015', 2, 12, 1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (4, N'20231023', 1, 40, 9, 7) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (4, N'20231023', 2, 41, 33, 15) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (4, N'20231028', 1, 40, 9, 7) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (4, N'20231028', 2, 44, 10, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (4, N'20231101', 2, 52, 1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231005', 3, 7, 6, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231006', 1, 9, 9, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231006', 2, 10, 10, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231008', 2, 16, 1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231008', 2, 17, 1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231014', 2, 7, 16, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231014', 2, 7, 21, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231014', 2, 7, 22, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231014', 2, 7, 23, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231014', 2, 25, 18, 11) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231014', 2, 26, 19, 12) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231016', 1, 31, 9, 7) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231020', 2, 35, 31, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231021', 1, 21, 31, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231021', 1, 37, 32, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231022', 2, 20, 1, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231103', 2, 16, 10, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231103', 2, 17, 10, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231103', 3, 7, 16, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231103', 3, 7, 22, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231103', 3, 7, 39, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231105', 2, 55, 32, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5, N'20231105', 3, 7, 32, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (6, N'20231007', 2, 11, 11, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (6, N'20231007', 2, 12, 10, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (6, N'20231007', 2, 14, 12, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (6, N'20231014', 2, 24, 17, 9) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (6, N'20231014', 2, 27, 20, 9) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (6, N'20231015', 2, 12, 10, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (6, N'20231021', 2, 14, 12, 9) GO INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (6, N'20231104', 2, 14, 12, 9) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (7, N'20231007', 2, 13, 10, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (7, N'20231104', 2, 53, 31, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (8, N'20231013', 1, 21, 16, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (8, N'20231013', 2, 22, 10, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (9, N'20231016', 2, 32, 27, 14) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (9, N'20231106', 2, 56, 38, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (10, N'20231021', 2, 36, 31, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (11, N'20231021', 1, 38, 31, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (12, N'20231028', 1, 45, 10, 8) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (12, N'20231028', 1, 46, 34, 16) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (12, N'20231028', 1, 47, 9, 7) INSERT [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (12, N'20231028', 1, 47, 34, 16) GO INSERT [dbo].[FactSales] ([TotalSales], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [BuyerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (4175.0000, N'Salary for September 2023.', 3, N'20231006', 4, 1, 7, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactSales] ([TotalSales], [Description], [CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [BuyerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (5657.8600, N'Salary for October 2023.', 3, N'20231104', 4, 1, 7, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[FactSalesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [BuyerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3, N'20231006', 4, 1, 7, 1) INSERT [dbo].[FactSalesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [BuyerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) VALUES (3, N'20231104', 4, 1, 7, 1) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimCard] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_DimCard_DimBank] FOREIGN KEY([BankID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimBank] ([BankID]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimCard] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_DimCard_DimBank] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimCard] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_DimCard_DimCardBrand] FOREIGN KEY([CardBrandID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimCardBrand] ([CardBrandID]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimCard] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_DimCard_DimCardBrand] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimCard] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_DimCard_DimCardType] FOREIGN KEY([CardTypeID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimCardType] ([CardTypeID]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimCard] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_DimCard_DimCardType] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimCategory] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_DimCategory_DimParentCategory] FOREIGN KEY([ParentCategoryID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimParentCategory] ([ParentCategoryID]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimCategory] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_DimCategory_DimParentCategory] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimCity] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_DimCity_DimProvince] FOREIGN KEY([ProvinceID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimProvince] ([ProvinceID]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimCity] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_DimCity_DimProvince] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimPaymentMethod] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_DimPaymentMethod_DimCard] FOREIGN KEY([CardID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimCard] ([CardID]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimPaymentMethod] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_DimPaymentMethod_DimCard] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimProvince] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_DimProvince_DimCountry] FOREIGN KEY([CountryID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimCountry] ([CountryID]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DimProvince] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_DimProvince_DimCountry] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactPurchases] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_FactPurchases_FactPurchasesXDimCategory] FOREIGN KEY([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) REFERENCES [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [SellerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactPurchases] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_FactPurchases_FactPurchasesXDimCategory] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_FactPurchasesXDimCategory_DimCategory] FOREIGN KEY([CategoryID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_FactPurchasesXDimCategory_DimCategory] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_FactPurchasesXDimCategory_DimCity] FOREIGN KEY([CityID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_FactPurchasesXDimCategory_DimCity] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_FactPurchasesXDimCategory_DimDay] FOREIGN KEY([DayID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_FactPurchasesXDimCategory_DimDay] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_FactPurchasesXDimCategory_DimPaymentMethod] FOREIGN KEY([PaymentMethodID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimPaymentMethod] ([PaymentMethodID]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_FactPurchasesXDimCategory_DimPaymentMethod] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_FactPurchasesXDimCategory_DimSeller] FOREIGN KEY([SellerID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimSeller] ([SellerID]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactPurchasesXDimCategory] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_FactPurchasesXDimCategory_DimSeller] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactSales] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_FactSales_FactSales] FOREIGN KEY([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [BuyerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) REFERENCES [dbo].[FactSalesXDimCategory] ([CityID], [DayID], [PaymentMethodID], [BuyerID], [CategoryID], [CategoryDeduplicate]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactSales] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_FactSales_FactSales] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactSalesXDimCategory] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_FactSalesXDimCategory_DimBuyer] FOREIGN KEY([BuyerID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimBuyer] ([BuyerID]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactSalesXDimCategory] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_FactSalesXDimCategory_DimBuyer] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactSalesXDimCategory] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_FactSalesXDimCategory_DimCategory] FOREIGN KEY([CategoryID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimCategory] ([CategoryID]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactSalesXDimCategory] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_FactSalesXDimCategory_DimCategory] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactSalesXDimCategory] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_FactSalesXDimCategory_DimCity] FOREIGN KEY([CityID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimCity] ([CityID]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactSalesXDimCategory] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_FactSalesXDimCategory_DimCity] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactSalesXDimCategory] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_FactSalesXDimCategory_DimDay] FOREIGN KEY([DayID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimDay] ([DayID]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactSalesXDimCategory] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_FactSalesXDimCategory_DimDay] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactSalesXDimCategory] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_FactSalesXDimCategory_DimPaymentMethod] FOREIGN KEY([PaymentMethodID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[DimPaymentMethod] ([PaymentMethodID]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FactSalesXDimCategory] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_FactSalesXDimCategory_DimPaymentMethod] GO USE [master] GO ALTER DATABASE [FinancesBACKUP] SET READ_WRITE GO
This is the script that was generated containing both schema and data: script.sql
I clicked Back Up...:
I clicked OK:
The backup of my database completed successfully:
This is the BAK file that was generated: FinancesBACKUP.bak